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The Balanced Wheel and the Entrepreneur 2024 businesstips office organization productivity virtualofficeadvantage Feb 16, 2024

Zig Ziglar has a great visual for life. It's called the "Wheel of Life". In short, he says that there are seven "spokes" or areas in life. When the spokes are balanced (when you are paying pretty...

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Is Organizing Your Office Really Self-Love 2024 businesstips office organization productivity virtualofficeadvantage Feb 05, 2024

Organizing, tidying, and decluttering are often used in the same way when talking about “cleaning up a space.” But would you consider any of these actions self-love? I do! It’s...

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Is your schedule FULL or BUSY? 2024 businesstips productivity Jan 21, 2024

If you're anything like my family, one the questions we ask each other each morning is "Do you have a busy day today?" Busyness is commonplace today. If we aren't in a state of busyness, we can...

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Virtual Office Advantage
The Do's and Don'ts of Choosing a Course for the New Year
The Do's and Don'ts of Choosing a Course for the New Year 2024 businesstips office organization productivity virtualofficeadvantage Jan 08, 2024

This time of the year there are so many course options available. Anything you want to learn, someone would love to coach you to become better at. The question is, how do you decide on which course...

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Before you get vacation or holiday brain... businesstips office organization productivity Dec 19, 2023

It’s the holiday season! Beginning in November it seems like we push off the started block and push hard until the end of the year. We have our personal needs that grow with additional...

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Do You Hear What I Hear? office organization productivity Nov 26, 2023

Calling all my friends who work with paper in their work! That’s almost everyone, right?! A lot of us get stuck at this time of the year trying to finish out the year strong while searching...

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Prepare Today for Tomorrow office organization productivity Nov 19, 2023

Sometimes we need a quick win to finish our day strong and feel good about starting the next day. I’ve got a super simple and quick option for you.

What’s the one thing that you can do...

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Your Monday You Will Thank Your Friday You businesstips office organization productivity Sep 07, 2023

Fridays have a certain feeling about them. There is something exciting, fun, and positive about them. I would encourage you to take this energy and bottle it up to start next week. Yuck, Monday!...

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Top 5 Reasons Why your Where Matters Jul 17, 2023

As you may know, I own a virtual assistant business. This year marks 20 years in business! One thing that I get asked a lot is do if I work from lots of different places. I can honestly say spend...

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What I've Learned from 20 Years in Business Jun 23, 2023

This month, we are celebrating 20 years in business. 20 years. Wow!

Over the past 20 years I have been so blessed to be able to serve small businesses, independent business owners, and non-profit...

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The Benefits of Pruning in Business: Lessons Learned from Tree Trimming May 12, 2023

Recently, a local tree trimming company came to trim up a few trees in our backyard.  One of the trees is my absolute favorite.  I look at it every time I pass our living room.  It...

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It's not really about organizing 2023 office organization virtualofficeadvantage Jan 10, 2023

This is the time of the year where everyone (including me) is talking about organization. Everything from the junk drawer in your kitchen (we all have them) to the bedroom closet to the storage...

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