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It may not be Springtime, but there is nothing saying you can't get some Freedom and Independence from the clutter in your work space (see what we did there :) ).
There is a cycle to your...
If I were to ask you how long you've been charging hard in your business, what would you say? If you're like most women, we not only push ourselves in our businesses, but also when it comes to our...
I love a good tip that helps with productivity and organization that is super simple AND I can start right away. This tip is just that! It's called the Touch it Once Principle, and while I don't...
It's no secret that I love animals and actually have 3 indoor four-legged co-workers. Two of them have a bed on my desk and actually understand the "Let's go to work" request. They follow me into...
On this week's blog, I'm interviewed by my friend and co-coach Rebekah Scott on how to finally clean up your inbox! If you're ready to transform your inbox and boost your...
Communities can significantly contribute to the success and growth of small businesses. They can play a vital role in supporting small business owners by giving access to resources and expertise,...
Zig Ziglar has a great visual for life. It's called the "Wheel of Life". In short, he says that there are seven "spokes" or areas in life. When the spokes are balanced (when you are paying pretty...
Organizing, tidying, and decluttering are often used in the same way when talking about “cleaning up a space.” But would you consider any of these actions self-love? I do! It’s...
If you're anything like my family, one the questions we ask each other each morning is "Do you have a busy day today?" Busyness is commonplace today. If we aren't in a state of busyness, we can...
This time of the year there are so many course options available. Anything you want to learn, someone would love to coach you to become better at. The question is, how do you decide on which course...
It’s the holiday season! Beginning in November it seems like we push off the started block and push hard until the end of the year. We have our personal needs that grow with additional...
Fridays have a certain feeling about them. There is something exciting, fun, and positive about them. I would encourage you to take this energy and bottle it up to start next week. Yuck, Monday!...